Under what stock exchange is First Philippine Holdings Corporation (FPHC) listed?

FPH is listed under the Philippine Stock Exchange, under the stock symbol FPH for common shares and FPHPC for the series C preferred shares.

When was FPHC's shares of stock listed?

FPH’s common shares was first listed at the PSE on May 23, 1963 and the series C preferred shares was listed at the PSE on December 15, 2014.

How do I invest in FPHC's shares of stock?

To buy FPH and FPHPC shares in the Philippine stock market, you need to have a stockbroker licensed by the PSE. For more details about the PSE, please go to 

If you are new in stock investments, please refer to the Philippine Stock Exchange’s Primer on Investing and Owning Shares of Stock.

When does FPHC hold its annual stockholders' meeting?

Pursuant to FPH’s By-Laws, the annual stockholders’ meeting is usually held every last Monday of May. Before the scheduled meeting, a stockholder should expect to receive the following: (1) notice of meeting and agenda, (2) proxy form, and (3) a copy of FPH’s Definitive Information Statement duly submitted to the SEC. 

A proxy form enables a stockholder who cannot attend to be represented during the meeting by his authorized proxy. Proxy forms should be submitted to the Corporate Secretary not later than ten (10) days before the scheduled stockholders’ meeting.

What are the types of shares issued by FPHC and what are their basic features?

FPH’s capital stock is composed of its common and perpetual preferred shares.

FPH’s common shares have a par value of P10, have voting rights, and participate in dividends, among other rights.

FPH’s series C preferred shares have a par value of P100, have a gross dividend rate of 5.50% per annum, are cumulative, non-participating, and non-voting. The cash dividends will be subject to final withholding taxes prescribed under the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997, as amended (“NIRC”), as follows: 

Final Withholding Tax Rate 
Individual citizen
Resident alien individual
Non-resident alien individual  a. 20% if engaged in trade or business
b. 25% if not engaged in trade or business
Domestic corporation
Resident foreign corporation  Exempt 

Non-resident foreign corporation (“NRFC”)

a. 30%
b. 15% if current BIR rulings or jurisprudence indicate that the tax sparing requirement under Section 28(B)(5)(b) of the NIRC is complied with; i.e., that the country of residence of the NRFC allows a deemed paid tax credit of 15% on taxes due from the NRFC

What is FPHC's total outstanding stock?

As of May 31, 2020, FPH has 508,625,574 outstanding shares of common stock and 3,600,000 series C preferred shares of stock.

Who is FPHC's stock transfer agent?

FPH’s stock transfer agent is BDO Unibank, Inc.-Transaction Banking Group. For contact information, please refer to our Corporate Directory.

Who are the stockholders of FPHC?

As of May 31, 2020, Lopez Holdings Corporation (formerly Benpres) owns 50.60% of FPH’s common (voting) shares of stock, while the investing public owns the balance. For more details about Lopez Holdings Corp., please visit their website.